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Cambridge Archaeological Unit Urban Archaeology Series Cambridge Classical Journal Supplements Camera ON Camouflage & Decals Campaign Chronicles Car Craft Cardiff Studies in Archaeology Casemate Classic War Fiction Casemate Fiction Casemate Illustrated Casemate Illustrated Special Casemate Short History Castles of... Çatalhöyük Research Project Series Catalogue of Firearms, Swords and Related Objects Cathedrals of Britain CAU Landscape Archives: New Archaeologies of the Cambridge Region Series CAU Must Farm/Flag Fen Basin Depth & Time Series CBA Practical Handbook CBA Research Report Ceifin Conference Papers Ceifin Papers Celtic Studies Publications Central Eurasia in Context Central Zagros Archaeological Project Centre for Hellenistic Studies Colloquia Ceramics in America Ceramics in America Annual Chars de Combat Chaucer Studies Chiasmi International Childhood in the Past Monograph Christian Arabic Studies Library Christianity in the Islamic World Cinema Cinema and Contemporary Art CINÉMA&CIE, International Film Studies Journal Cirencester Excavations Cities of the Biblical World City Guides Civil Rights and the Struggle for Black Equality Civil Rights and the Struggle for Black Equality in the Twentieth Century Clark Art Institute Clark Lectures Classics in the History of Early Christian Literature Club 1/48 CLUES Coccarde Tricolori Coccarde Tricolori Speciale Coins of England Cold War, 1945–1991 Collected Works of St Ignatius (Brianchaninov) Collection 1914-1918 Colonel Stephens Railways Today Colour & Scale Colouring Book Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament (Russian-language) Comparative Legislative Studies Complementa Complete Works of Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov Composition, Literacy, and Culture Concord - Assault Series Concord - Color Series Concord - Commando Series Concord - Fighting Men Series Concord - Special Forces Series Concord - Warrior Series Conflict and Trade Connoisseur's Books Contemporary Liminality Contexts of and Relations Between Early Writing Systems Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Cotswold Archaeology Monograph Crafts Cretan Studies: New Approaches and Perspectives in the Study of Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine Crete Crossrail Archaeology Cuban Studies Culture of the Land Culture Politics & the Built Environment Cultures in Dialogue: First Series Cultures in Dialogue: Second Series Current Research in Egyptology


Dakhleh Oasis Papers Dakhleh Oasis Project Monographs Dar Mardin: Christian Arabic and Syriac Studies from the Middle East Deities and Angels of the Ancient World Deliciae Fictiles Delta Reports Design Meanings Despatches from the Front Die Wehrmacht im Kampf Digital Technologies and the Ancient World Disability in Society Discussions in Egyptology Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion Dolphin Series Driftless Connecticut Drue Heinz Literature Prize Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library


EAC Occasional Paper Early Classics of Science Fiction Earth Series East Anglian Archaeology Monograph East Anglian Archaeology Occasional Paper East Jutland Museum Publications Eastern Christian Studies Series Eastern Front from Primary Sources Echoes of the Blitz Echoland Eighteenth-Century Novels by Women Elite Forces Operations Emerging Civil War Anniversary Series Emerging Civil War Series Emerging Revolutionary War Series Empire and After Encyclopedia of Warships English Episcopal Acta English Gold Coinage English Surnames Survey Essential Readers in Contemporary Media and Culture Ethnographical Series European Federation of Corrosion Series Excavations at Flixborough Excavations at Saqqara Excavations of the Czech Institute of Egyptology Exeter: A Place in Time Explorations in Western Desert Rock Exploring the House of Islam: Perceptions of Islam in the Period of Western Ascendancy 1800-1945 Eyewitnesses from The Great War


Fact and Fiction Fact File Famous Airplanes Famous Planes Fighting Ships of the U.S. Navy 1883-2019 Film and History Find, Fix and Strike Fleet in Focus Flight Craft Flood Editions Flying Colours Bookazine Fokus Fortifikation Studies Following in the Footsteps Foreign Military Studies Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths Fragility and Sustainability - Studies on Early Malta, the ERC-funded FRAGSUS Project


G.I. Garnet Books Geoff Plumb Collection Geographies of Psychoanalysis Germany at War DVDs Germany in The Great War Gesher Benot YaÆaqov Monograph Series Gorgias Biblical Studies Gorgias Chronicles of Late Antiquity Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies Gorgias Handbooks Gorgias Islamic Studies Gorgias Mandaean Studies Gorgias Near Eastern Studies Gorgias Neo-Aramaic Studies Gorgias Ottoman Travelers Gorgias Précis Portfolios Gorgias Studies in Classical and Late Antiquity Gorgias Studies in Classics Gorgias Studies in Early Christianity and Patristics Gorgias Studies in Judaism Gorgias Studies in Language and Linguistics Gorgias Studies in Religion Gorgias Studies in the Ancient Near East Gorgias Studies in the Modern Middle East Gorgias Ugaritic Studies Great Central Railway Great Napoleonic Battles Great Tramcars Greater Manchester's Past Revealed Green Series Greenhill Sniper Library Guernsey Museum Monographs Gun Power Gösta Enbom Monographs


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JJP Journal JJP Supplements Joukowsky Institute Publication Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture Journal of Jewish Studies Supplement Series Journal of Language Relationship Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Journal of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies Journal of the Himalayan Institute of Cultural and Heritage Studies JRMES JRPS JRS Monograph Judaism in Context Jutland Archaeological Society Jutland Archaeological Society Publications


Kagero Decals Kaupang Excavation Project Publication Series Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf Kentucky Remembered: An Oral History Series Kentucky Voices Kiraz Chronicles Archive Kiraz Classic Archaeological Reprints Kiraz Commentaries Archive Kiraz Historic Travels Archive Kiraz Historical Catalogues Archive Kiraz Historical Dictionaries Archive Kiraz Historical Grammars Archive Kiraz Jewish Studies Archive Kiraz Liturgical Studies Kiraz Manuscript Archive Kiraz References Archive Kiraz Theological Archive Kit Build Kubaba


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Magical Mozart and His Musical Major & Mrs Holts’ Battlefield Guide Make Your Own Maritime Maritime Culture of the North Maritime Encounters Maritime Memories Maritime Series MatchPoints Series Material Religion in Antiquity Material Worlds Materializing Culture Maury Catalogue May Sarton New Hampshire Prize Winner for Poetry McDonald Institute Monographs Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies Medieval Warfare Special Mediterranea Melilah: Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies (1759-1953) Memory Memory Traps Men & Battles Metier International Military Classics Military Legacy Mini Topcolors Mini-Guides Mining Heritage Modern Conflict Archaeology Modern Muslim World Modern Traction Profiles MoLAS Archaeology Studies Series MoLAS Monograph Monastic Studies Series Monograph Series Monographs Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens Monographs Special Edition Monographs Special Edition in 3D Moran Etho MOSAIK Journal Mother Tongue Motive Power Depot Multidisciplinary Approaches to Ancient Societies (MAtAS) Munaqashat: Gorgias Studies in the Modern Middle East Music Music/Culture Music/Interview


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Occasional Paper Officers & Soldiers Ohio River Valley Series One World Archaeology Open Series in Prehistoric Archaeology Opera Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis Orange Series Oriental Institute Communications Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition Oriental Institute Publications Orientalia Judaica Christiana Ovid: Amores Oxbow Classics in Egyptology Oxbow Insights in Archaeology Oxbow Monographs Oxford Archaeology Monograph Oxford Archaeology Occasional Paper Oxford Cotswold Archaeology Monograph Series Oxford Handbooks Oxford History of Life-Writing Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph


Pacific Presences Palestine Exploration Fund Annuals PALMA Pals Papers in Historical Linguistics Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities Past & Present Peninsular War Battlefield Companion Perkins Identification Albums Persian Martyr Acts in Syriac: Text and Translation Perspectives in California Archaeology Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures and its Contexts Perspectives on Kentucky's Past: Architecture, Archaeology, and Landscape Perspectives on Linguistics and Ancient Languages Perspectives on Philosophy and Religious Thought Perspectives on Society and Culture Perspectives on Syriac Linguistics Philosophical News Philosophy Photosniper Pitt Drue Heinz Lit Prize Pitt Illuminations Pitt Latin American Series Pitt Poetry Series Pittsburgh Cuban Studies Pittsburgh Hist Urban Environment Place Matters: New Directions in Appalachian Studies Planes & Models Pocket Guides Pocket Manuals Polish Wings Political Companions to Great American Authors Politics Power and Human Rights Pre-Christian Cult Sites Pre-Construct Archaeology Kent Papers Pre-Construct Archaeology Monograph Series Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group Occasional papers Prehistoric Society Research Papers Premodern Health, Disease, and Disability Princeton University Art Museum Pro Oriente Studies in the Syriac Tradition Proceedings of the 9th ICAZ Conference Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society Supplementary Volume Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens Proceedings of The Danish Institute in Damascus Profiles of Flight Protagonists of History in International Perspective Psychology Public Papers of the Governors of Kentucky Publications of the Archdiocese of the Syriac Orthodox Church Publications of the Center for Ottoman Diplomatic History Publications of the Danish Institute in Damascus Publications of the Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University Publications of the National Museum Ethnographical Series Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens Puspika: Tracing Ancient India through Texts and Traditions


Race and Sports Railway Gallery Rare Birds Recent Research on Ladakh Reflections Regenerating Practices in Archaeology and Heritage Regional Tramways Relicta Monografieën 19 Religion & Normativity Series Religion in the South Rencontres du MAN RENNER Studies on New Religions Reports from the Botanical Institute Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London Research Publication Résistance Resolving Books Series Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatiën Grote Serie Ritus et Artes Rock Tombs of El-Hawawish Roman Conquests Roman Mosaics of Britain Roman Provincial Coinage Romantik ROOTS Booklet Series Routledge Studies in Archaeology Royal Mysteries Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication Ruralia Russian and East European Studies Russian Army


Samarra Studies Savas Beatie Battles & Leaders Series Savas Beatie Military Atlas Series Scale Plans Scales of Transformation Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century Science, Values, and the Public Scottish Burgh Survey Scrapyard Screen Classics Scrinium: Revue de patrologie, d’hagiographie critique et d’histoire ecclésiastique Seafarers' Voices Seaforth Historic Ships Series Minor Series – AUSA Set Europe Ablaze Sex and Sexuality Sharpshooters at War Sheffield Environmental and Archaeological Research Campaign in the Hebrides Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology Shift/Philosophical Ship Craft Ship Plans Ships & Boats of the North ShipShapes Single Single Vehicle Sirwan Regional Project Publications SM Series Small Guides SMI Library Social Science Society for Libyan Studies Monograph Sociological Challenges Sociology Soldiers of the Past South Wales Valleys Southampton Monographs in Archaeology Speculum Civitatis Spotlight ON SSEA Publication Standard Gauge Album Strategic Handbooks Struggle and Suffrage Studia Antiqua Australiensia Studies and Texts Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilisation Studies in Archaeology & History Studies in Conflict, Diplomacy, and Peace Studies in Funerary Archaeology Studies in Hellenistic Civilisation Series Studies in Organizational Participation & Cooperation Studies in Religion Studies in Romance Languages Studies in the English Renaissance Studying Scientific Archaeology Super Drawings in 3D Super Model International Superfoods Supplements to Libya Antiqua Surath Kthob Swedish Rock Art Research Symposia of the Association for Environmental Archaeology Syriac and Garshuni Manuscripts from the Kiraz Collection Syriac Liturgies for Worship Syriac Manuscripts from Malabar Syriac Studies Library


Taboui Tales from the Big House Tank Craft Tank Plans TANKART Tenues du Passé Text, Action, Space Texts and Studies Texts and Studies (Third Series) Texts from Christian Late Antiquity Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph Thameslink Archaeological Series Thameslink Monograph Series The Anomie Review of… The Archaeology of the Lower Ouse Valley The Armenian Church Synaxarion The Carlsberg Foundation's Nomad Research Project The Central Lincolnshire Wolds Research Project The Correspondence of John Tyndall The Dolphin The Driftless Connecticut Series & Garnet Books The Driftless Series The Driftless Series & Wesleyan Poetry Series The Eleven Associates of Alma-Marceau The Fighting Colours of Richard Caruana 50th Anniversary Collection The Generals The German Wehrmacht (DVDs) The Great War Illustrated The Harp The Illustrated War Reports The Iranian Highlands. Early Societies between Resilience and Integration The Journals of Samuel R. Delany The Kyrenia Ship Final Excavation Report The Making of the West Midlands The Making of... The Menahem Stern Jerusalem Lectures The Middle Ages Series The Military Machine The Modern Muslim World The Munro Archive Project. Studies on the Unas Cemetery in Saqqara The Napoleonic Library The National Archives The National Museum of Denmark, Ethnographic Monographs The Nobile Index The Nordic World The Peasants' Revolting The Peninsular Collection The Philosophy of Popular Culture The Private Collection Series The Propaganda Photo Series The Real... The Resolving Series The Roman Amphitheatre of Chester The Sanctuary on Keros and the Origins of Aegean Ritual Practice The Schliemann Diaries The Second World War Illustrated The Senses in Antiquity The Snake Eater Chronicles The Stonehenge Riverside Project The U-Boat War in the Atlantic The University Press of Kentucky New Poetry and Prose Series Themes in Contemporary Archaeology Then and Now Thomas D. Clark Studies in Education, Public Policy, and Social Change Thunder on the Danube Top Drawings Topics in Kentucky History TRAC TRAC Themes in Archaeology Tracing Your Ancestors Trailblazing Women Train Craft Transformation of the Classical Heritage Transport Philately Treasures from the Huntington Library Trends in Biological Anthropology Turath: The Arabic and Islamic Literary Tradition Two Ramesside Tombs At Mashayakh


UBC Studies in the Ancient World Udine/Gorizia Conference Proceedings Understanding Understanding and Improving Health for Minority and Disadvantaged Populations Understanding: Introductions to the States and Regions of the Contemporary World Units University of British Columbia Studies in the Ancient World University of Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology Monograph University of Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology Monographs University of Southampton Department of Archaeology Monograph University Press of Kentucky New Poetry & Prose Series Ural-Altaic Studies Urban Archaeological Assessment Urban Graveyard Proceedings Urban Studies Series


Victoria Crosses on the Western Front Viking Language Old Norse Icelandic Series Virginia at War Visitors' Historic Britain Visual History Series Voices from the Front Voices from the Past Voices in Flight Voices of Liberation Voters in Scandinavia Series


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Yellow Series York Archaeology Monograph Your Towns & Cities in The Great War Your Towns & Cities in World War Two