Institute of Seamanship's Annual Lecture
John Johnson-Allen will be hosting the Institute of Seamanship's annual lecture on 12th Oct at 6:30pm aboard HQS The Wellington, Victoria Embankment.
The Red Sea Patrol was a rag bag unit of elderly Royal Naval ships, Royal Indian Marine troopships and requisitioned Merchant Navy ships. The pivotal role of the Red Sea Patrol has not been researched until now. Without the contribution of those ships and their crews, the Arab Revolt would have failed and the legend of Lawrence of Arabia would not have arisen.
> Book early for this talk- it is likely to be popular!
As usual, for those who wish to enjoy the supper, and the sociability that accompanies it, the cost is £27 for Wellington Trust Friends and £32 for non-members. If you would like to come for the lecture, but are unable to stay for the supper, then we ask for a donation of £5.
Please apply to the Business Manager on-board for places by telephone: 0207 836 8179, e-mail:
Entry Price: 0.00