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Bristol in the Great War - Author Talk with Jacqueline Wadsworth

Part of the Thornbury Arts Festival 2015.

This talk looks at how ordinary people in Bristol and the surrounding area coped with the strains of war, and the huge changes it made to their lives. Many met the challenge with stoicism and hard work, but others were less accommodating. There are tales of mothers unable to resist the pub, men who fought tooth and nail against women’s liberation – and even domestic murder. German prisoners of war became a common sight in some areas, so too did maimed and wounded soldiers who filled the wartime hospitals. Throughout those grim days, however, there was always fun and humour, with many at home deciding that the best way to deal with war was to try and enjoy themselves.

Visit http://thornburyartsfestival.com/jacqueline-wadsworth/ for further information and to book tickets.

Entry Price: 5.00

Jacqueline Wadsworth graduated from King's College, London, with a degree in Geography, and worked for several years as a newspaper journalist, punctuated by spells of backpacking abroad. She is now a freelance writer, specialising in history and sport. When not at her desk she is a keen runner, cyclist, follower of Liverpool FC, fan of American roots music, and supporter of The Donkey Sanctuary. You can check out her blog at www.soldierletters.blogspot.co.uk

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