'Saving Macarthur' is a really enjoyable and engaging read, clearly well researched and recommended to all.
History Book Chat
'Saving Macarthur' is a really enjoyable and engaging read, clearly well researched and recommended to all.
History Book Chat
Listed as one of the ‘Books of the Week’.
Navy Books - Friday 31st January 2025
Listed as one of the ‘Books of the Week’.
Navy Books - Friday 31st January 2025
[b]Rating[/b]: 5 out of 5 stars
This is a well-written, thoroughly researched, and informative biography of James Alexander Hamilton, the son of Eliza and Alexander Hamilton.
I enjoyed learning of the many parallels between the lives of James Alexander and his brilliant father, and appreciated the glimpses into his family life. I was fascinated to learn of the many public offices held by James Alexander, the contributions that he made to society, and of his interactions with the presidents and political figures throughout his many years of laudable service. Ms. Wilcoxson brought to life James Alexander's dedication and duty to his country, and his commendable actions to preserve his father's memory and legacy.
The author's footnotes, bibliography, personal photographs of related historic sites, and photos of James Alexander's family portraits enhanced this biography and are truly appreciated.
NetGalley, Tracey Boehm
[b]Rating[/b]: 5 out of 5 stars
This is a well-written, thoroughly researched, and informative biography of James Alexander Hamilton, the son of Eliza and Alexander Hamilton.
I enjoyed learning of the many parallels between the lives of James Alexander and his brilliant father, and appreciated the glimpses into his family life. I was fascinated to learn of the many public offices held by James Alexander, the contributions that he made to society, and of his interactions with the presidents and political figures throughout his many years of laudable service. Ms. Wilcoxson brought to life James Alexander's dedication and duty to his country, and his commendable actions to preserve his father's memory and legacy.
The author's footnotes, bibliography, personal photographs of related historic sites, and photos of James Alexander's family portraits enhanced this biography and are truly appreciated.
NetGalley, Tracey Boehm
Any Napoleonic memoirs edited by Gareth Glover can be relied upon to contain interesting primary source material, supported by informative biographical details of the original author and explanatory footnotes on the military-historical background, and this book is no exception. Captain James Stirling’s memoirs cover his service in the 42nd in the Corunna and Walcheren campaigns, and in the Peninsula from April 1812 to October 1813. In that month he transferred into the Portuguese 11th Line Regiment, giving him a step up to Brevet Captain, so the book includes some details of his service with that regiment at the Battle of Nivelle. He became a Captain by purchase in the 42nd on 11th May 1815 but did not serve in the Waterloo Campaign and died on 20th January 1818 aged only twenty-five. His journals, written up from notes made in pocketbooks, are thus untainted by reading Sir William Napier’s History of the War in the Peninsula and are a valuable addition to the relatively few Black.. Read more
Miniature Wargames, Arthur Harman
Any Napoleonic memoirs edited by Gareth Glover can be relied upon to contain interesting primary source material, supported by informative biographical details of the original author and explanatory footnotes on the military-historical background, and this book is no exception. Captain James Stirling’s memoirs cover his service in the 42nd in the Corunna and Walcheren campaigns, and in the Peninsula from April 1812 to October 1813. In that month he transferred into the Portuguese 11th Line Regiment, giving him a step up to Brevet Captain, so the book includes some details of his service with that regiment at the Battle of Nivelle. He became a Captain by purchase in the 42nd on 11th May 1815 but did not serve in the Waterloo Campaign and died on 20th January 1818 aged only twenty-five. His journals, written up from notes made in pocketbooks, are thus untainted by reading Sir William Napier’s History of the War in the Peninsula and are a valuable addition to the relatively few Black.. Read more
Miniature Wargames, Arthur Harman
Featured on [link=https://www.ww2today.com/p/24-12-15-the-americans-and-germans-at-bastogne?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=363095&post_id=153063643&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=nqgpl&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email]WW2Today[/link]
WW2 Today
Featured on [link=https://www.ww2today.com/p/24-12-15-the-americans-and-germans-at-bastogne?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=363095&post_id=153063643&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=nqgpl&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email]WW2Today[/link]
WW2 Today
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The Sinking of RMS Tayleur
'The moment they fell into the water the waves caught them and dashed them violently against the rocks, and the survivors on shore could perceive the unfortunate creatures...struggling amidst the waves, and one by one sinking under them.' (Hereford Times, 28 January 1854) The wrecking of the RMS Tayleur made headlines nearly 60 years before the Titanic.… Read more...
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Russian Eyewitness Accounts of the Campaign of 1814
Russia played a decisive role in the Napoleonic wars and the success in the struggle against France allowed Russian leaders to profoundly influence the course of European history. Over the last 200 years, the Napoleonic era has been discussed and analysed in numerous studies, but many fail to fully portray the Russian side of events due to the relative… Read more...
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Wellington's Worst Scrape
The disastrous retreat and near disintegration of Sir John Moore's army on the road to Corunna in 1809 is traditionally regarded as the low point in the history of the British intervention in the Peninsular War. Yet under the Duke of Wellington the British and their allies suffered defeats and retreats that tend to be overshadowed by the series of… Read more...
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The Wedding Feast War
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Napoleonic Lives
Two hundred years ago the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars convulsed the whole of Europe. These were key events in the history of the continent, and for Britain, and they are a fascinating field for historical – and family history – research. More records than ever are available on the men who served in the British army during the wars – and… Read more...
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Wellington's Highland Warriors
'Stuart Reid tells a great tale, deeply researched and full of fascinating characters.' Tim Newark, author of Highlander Wellington's Highland Warriors covers the early history of the British Army's highland regiments, from the raising of the Black Watch in 1739 to the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. Stuart Reid provides an entertaining and thoroughly… Read more...
“There are moments in the past of many a man’s career that stand out clear and defined after the lapse of even many years: life pictures, the very memory of which brings back a glorious thrill of pride and pleasure. This is the feeling which vibrates through me still, when I recall that last and closing scene that crowned the hard-fought fight… Read more...
On the 25th October 1415 Henry Vs small and dispirited Anglo/Welsh Army destroyed a vast French Army at Azincourt. This programme looks at not just this iconic battle immortalised by Shakespeare and many other authors but the campaign that led up to this final great English victory of the 100 Years War when the Yeoman of England reigned supreme on… Read more...
Military histories of the struggle against the French armies of the Revolution and Napoleon often focus on the exploits of elite units and famous individuals, ignoring the essential contribution made by the ordinary soldiers - the bulk of the British army. Carole Divall, in this graphic and painstakingly researched account, tells the story of one such… Read more...
Edgehill: The Battle Reinterpreted (Second Edition)
This paperback edition of this seminal new study of a key battle of the Civil Wars re-examines one of England's most mysterious battlefields at Edgehill, and it combines the work of three outstanding military historians. Each is an expert in the areas of battlefield interpretation, military equipment and organization, and battle casualties and care.… Read more...
Edgehill: The Battle Reinterpreted (Second Edition)
This paperback edition of this seminal new study of a key battle of the Civil Wars re-examines one of England's most mysterious battlefields at Edgehill, and it combines the work of three outstanding military historians. Each is an expert in the areas of battlefield interpretation, military equipment and organization, and battle casualties and care.… Read more...