The teenage diarist and Holocaust victim Anne Frank was born on 12 June 1929, and had she been allowed to have lived out her life
I have always been fascinated by women and crime, and they feature in both of my books published by Pen and Sword, i.e. Bad Girls
James Hanratty was hanged at Bedford prison in April 1962. He had been found guilty of the murder of Michael Gregsten, a married father of
The Kiss and Tell Courtesan “SIR,— To travel fifty-two miles this bad weather, merely to see a man, with only the given number of legs,
The last conflict between a British monarch and the government, but one fought over a new media battlefield
Women’s Rightful Place On The Public Stage
A girl, a Guide, a Queen: How Queen Elizabeth and her relationship with the Brownies and Girl Guides made the movement ever stronger
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