Introducing: The Military Legacy Series
Every town and city in the UK has been touched by war at some stage in its past and every instance has left its mark. Our Military Legacy series looks at the entirety of a town’s past, from the Romans (or before) to the present day. It will take readers through the impact of invasions and conquests, look at the price the town had to pay for battles and wars, local and foreign, discuss noteworthy military, naval and aviation figures both past and present, and pay tribute to lives lost. Naturally, some of these aspects will have had a greater impact or have made a larger contribution to the development of the town than others, and so each book will be a unique read.

Titles currently available in the series:
- Gloucester’s Military Legacy by Christine Jordan
- Leed’s Military Legacy by Paul Chrystal
- Manchester’s Military Legacy by Steven Dickens
- Norwich’s Military Legacy by Michael Chandler
- Nottingham’s Military Legacy by Gerry van Tonder
- Sheffield’s Military Legacy by Gerry van Tonder
- York’s Military Legacy by Ian D. Rotherham