A top historian and author looks set to commit one million words to paper as he completes the ultimate guide to the Battle of Britain,
As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, my knowledge of the RAF was negligible when I started working with Tony Lamsdale on The RAF Armourers:
Forward Air Bases in Europe – From D-Day to the Baltic
Wednesday 20th September 2023 proved to be quite a day. The book was released and sadly I didn’t hear the massed bands of HM Forces
Battle of Britain The Breaking Storm: 10 July 1940 – 12 August 1940
Imagine the scenario. It’s April 1982, and you’re 20 years old. You joined the RAF when you were 17, and you’re currently on a detachment
It took five years to write Only the Light Moves. The title quotes a line from a poem by Leonora Carrington. “We went down into
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