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Blog Tour: Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia

Our final blog tour of 2020 has come to an end! We’ve loved seeing what bloggers thought of Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia by Samantha Morris. Here are some of the highlights.

  • Our first stop was with History… The Interesting BitsWe loved this review “Samantha Morris expertly separates rumour from fact to provide a balanced appraisal of these famous siblings; their strengths and weakness. Using creditable sources, papal records and even family letters, she clearly establishes the facts behind the lies of the incest accusation, whilst demonstrating how such accusations came about and the various efforts to sully the name of the Borgia family.” 
  • Next up we visited On The Old Barbed Wire. Take a look at this extract from their review ‘I greatly appreciated this book, as it describes exactly, against the background of the story of Lucrezia and Cesare, the Italy of the time, the various kingdoms, duchies and lordships and above all the human story’. 
  • Our third stop was with Natalie is a History Buff. Natalie described the book as ‘a thrill to read‘… we’re thrilled to hear it!
  • We then visited Daisy Sayswho gave a glowing 5 star review! “This really is a case of the truth being stranger than fiction. You really couldn’t make this stuff up!” Intriguing!
  • Our penultimate stop was with Donna’s Book Blog. Take a look at this great review “I liked the way that this book was laid out and it was very well written. It is quite evident that the author had done a lot of research and was clued up on the family to write book and that really comes across.
  • For the final stop we head over to Adventures of a Tudor Nerd where Samantha was interviewed about her research!

We would like to say a huge thank you to Samantha Morris and all the bloggers who took part in the tour!

You can order a copy here.