Yearbook of Astronomy 2020 (ePub)
Imprint: White Owl
File Size: 93.7 MB (.epub)
Pages: 368
ISBN: 9781526753281
Published: 8th October 2019
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Yearbook of Astronomy 2020 Paperback Add to Basket | £11.89 |
Maintaining its appealing style and presentation, the Yearbook of Astronomy 2020 contains comprehensive jargon-free monthly sky notes and an authoritative set of sky charts to enable backyard astronomers and sky gazers everywhere to plan their viewing of the year’s eclipses, comets, meteor showers and minor planets as well as detailing the phases of the Moon and visibility and locations of the planets throughout the year. To supplement all this is a variety of entertaining and informative articles, a feature for which the Yearbook of Astronomy is known. Presenting the reader with information on a wide range of topics, the articles for the 2020 edition include, among others, 200 Years of the Royal Astronomical Society; The Naming of Stars; Astronomical Sketching; Dark Matter and Galaxies; Eclipsing Binaries; The First Known Black Hole; and A Perspective on the Aboriginal View of the World.
The Yearbook of Astronomy made its first appearance way back in 1962, shortly after the dawning of the Space Age. Now well into its sixth decade of production, the Yearbook is rapidly heading for its Diamond Jubilee edition in 2022. It continues to be essential reading for anyone lured and fascinated by the magic of astronomy and who has a desire to extend their knowledge of the Universe and the wonders it plays host to. The Yearbook of Astronomy is indeed an inspiration to amateur and professional astronomers alike, and warrants a place on the bookshelf of all sky watchers and stargazers.
All in all, though, it offers a wonderful abundance of information that anyone reading it can take advantage of should they ever become interested in stargazing.
NetGalley, Steff Pasciuti
As usual, the Yearbook of Astronomy 2020 is a very useful reference, and with the addition of reports and historical articles by those in the field they cover it widens the books appeal to all amateur astronomers. It is therefore a must have publication for everyone interested in the active pursuit of the subject.
Peter Ashwell, Astronomical Society
A fun and interesting book that acts almost like an old fashioned almanac of the stars.
NetGalley, Lucy Angel
I'm very much an armchair astronomer and I think this book did a good job of straddling the expert and the amateur.
This promises to be a rich blend of information, start charts and night sky guides (and more), and boy does it deliver! I read the Yearbook of Astronomy 2019 not knowing the book even existed and this year’s Yearbook of Astronomy 2020 is even more informative. As a very amateur star gazer, this book gives way more information than I’ll ever need yet does it in a way that doesn’t alienate or intimate the newbie - something I feel is important.
For the Love of Books
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Featured in the Christmas Gift Guide
All About Space, issue 98
Essential reading for anyone wanting to keep up to date with what's happening in the night sky. Having said that, we've had weeks and weeks of total cloud cover, often containing torrential rain, and it's been rare to see the moon, let alone any stars and constellations. Here's hoping for a drier spell in the run-up to Christmas, and a chance to identify the stars and planets that are visible to the naked eye. This is a compelling, invaluable book.
Books Monthly
The ‘Yearbook’ is a mine of information for astronomers, whether of the armchair type or telescopic observers, but especially the latter.
SF Crowsnest
Read the full review here
The ultimate guide for the amateur astronomer will let you know when and where to point your telescopes or binoculars to see comets, meteor showers, planets and eclipses. Easy to use and perfect for the layman and the professional.
Cayocosta 72, Rose Smith
See the full review here
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
NetGalley, January Gray
Get this book even if you are only mildly interested in Astronomy. It is informative without being overly detailed or over your head. I'm going to be using this in my Home School program.
Maintaining its appealing style and presentation,the yearbook continues to be essential reading for anyone fascinated by the magic of astronomy.
Bookseller Buyers Guide
This comprehensive guide to what to expect from the stars in 2020 belongs on every stargazer's bookshelf. It's packed full of facts, dates, and sky charts that will make it easy to see the most impressive celestial events of the year. There are also a few stunning photographs and some intriguing essays by experts.
NetGalley, April A. Taylor
The book is very detailed and does what it says it does. It has great articles to read through, which are understandable even if you are not well versed in astronomy. I would generally recommend this book to my students, who love the idea of exploring space.
NetGalley, Ana Chakhnashvili
About Brian Jones
Brian Jones hails from Bradford in the West Riding of Yorkshire and was a founder member of the Bradford Astronomical Society. He developed a fascination for astronomy at the age of five when he first saw the stars through a pair of binoculars, and his interest took him into the realms of writing sky guides for local newspapers, appearing on local radio and television, teaching astronomy and space in schools and, in 1985, becoming a full time astronomy and space writer. He has penned around 20 books to date which have covered a range of astronomy and space-related topics for both children and adults. His passion for bringing an appreciation of the universe to his readers is reflected in his writing.