Wellington's Voice (ePub)
The Candid Letters of Lieutenant Colonel John Fremantle, Coldstream Guards, 1808 -1821

File Size: 16.7 MB (.epub)
ISBN: 9781783378678
Published: 8th October 2012
LIEUTENANT COLONEL JOHN FREMANTLE WAS on Wellington's personal staff through the later years of the Peninsular War and the Waterloo campaign. He had a uniquely privileged view of the general and in this fascinating new book, which brings together a collection of personal letters written to his uncle, he speaks candidly of his exploits – good and bad.
Fremantle deals with military matters in fascinating detail and gives a great insight into Wellington's honest views of matters – not the sanitised diplomatic versions Wellington allowed to be published in later life. He also talks a great deal about the personalities in 'Wellington's family' and the 'Great Man', giving very open, forthright views of their strengths and failings, and brings many little-known incidents to light. He describes the back-stabbing, the one-upmanship and the intriguing within Wellington's inner circle, and reveals the foibles of the duke himself; his philandering, his irascible nature, and his own petty intrigues and jealousies.
An exposé of what life was like working with Wellington and an honest portrait of the man warts and all – this is a truly remarkable find by Gareth Glover and will certainly cause debate in the Napoleonic community.
Lt Col John Fremantle was on Wellington's personal staff through the later years of the Peninsular War and the Waterloo campaign. He had a uniquely privileged view of the general, and in this fascinating book brings together a collection of personal letters written to his uncle in which he speaks candidly of his exploits - both good and bad.
Pennant Online
Wellington’s Voice is a collection of over 300 letters written by John Fremantle over a 29 year span from 1808 to 1837. The vast majority of these letters cover his time in the Peninsula and the Waterloo Campaigns.
Napoleon Series website)
Once again Gareth Glover should be commended for rescuing such important primary source material from obscurity. As usual he does his normal superb job placing the letters in context of the events that were occurring at the time and of course, providing annotations on the various individuals, places, and events, mentioned in them. I strongly recommend Wellington’s Voice for anyone interested in the Peninsular War and particularly those interested in the functioning of an army staff.
This is a very refreshing look at Britain's greatest military general a seen through the eyes of one of his subordinate staff, Colonel John Fremantle. It is a very timely publication offering a far more human look at The Duke of Wellington, so that we gain insight into the politics of his inner circle, the problems he had to overcome, and his often irascible temper.
Customer Review - Mr Roberts
About Gareth Glover
Gareth Glover is a former Royal Navy officer and military historian who has made a special study of the Napoleonic Wars for the last thirty years. In addition to writing many articles on aspects of the subject in magazines and journals, his books include From Corunna to Waterloo, Eyewitness to the Peninsular War and the Battle of Waterloo, An Eloquent Soldier, fourteen volumes of The Waterloo Archive, Waterloo: Myth and Reality, The Forgotten War Against Napoleon: Conflict in the Mediterranean 1793-1815, The Two Battles of Copenhagen 1801 and 1807: Britain and Denmark in the Napoleonic Wars and Marching, Fighting, Dying: Experiences of Soldiers in the Peninsular War.