Third Reich Victorious (ePub)
Alternative Decisions of World War II

File Size: 21.6 MB (.epub)
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781473882836
Published: 21st November 2016
‘Peter G. Tsouras does an excellent job . . . Readers will marvel at just how close Germany came to winning a key event in World War II.’
Air & Space Power Journal
Pennant: The Journal of the Forces Pension Society
War is a deadly game of chance where a single detail or decision can have far-reaching consequences. What if Hitler’s generals had captured the cream of the British Expeditionary Force at Dunkirk? What if Turkey had sided with Germany and smashed through Russia’s back door to claim the prized Caucasus oil fields? What if Rommel had driven the British back into the sea on D-Day and the Luftwaffe had defeated the RAF in the Battle of Britain.
The Allies could have lost the Second World War in many ways, and ten noted historians show clearly how in this collection of fascinating, provocative scenarios, based on meticulous research. By turns gripping and chilling, Third Reich Victorious offers a fresh insight into the vagaries of war that can make all the difference between the victor and the vanquished.
This book caught my attention almost instantaneously with its provocative and unsettling title. To imagine that the world today would be governed by ruthless fascist superpowers is quite horrifying even as a mere thought exercise...
Kunwon Saw, Freelance
Third Reich Victorious does not limit itself to broad and general concepts of warfare like the imagined German focus on the development of light aircraft carriers. In fact, it provides so many specific details including precise division numbers, dates, locations and map illustrations to help the reader become immersed into the scenarios. During the reading, I had very few moments of disbelief as the conceptual assumptions and supporting details perfectly complemented each other. I want to recommend this book to readers who want to look at major WW2 events from a different light and examine how Germany could have won the war.
Offers a fresh insight into the vagaries of war that can make all the difference between the victor and the vanquished. Very thought-provoking.
The Armourer, February 2017
This was first published by Greenhill Books back in 2002 and which has now been reprinted by Frontline Books. It is a collection of 10 chapters, each writtem by a well known historian and each one examining events of WW2 that just might have worked out differently. They each use what actually happened and intertwine it with speculation as to what might have happened if different decisions had been made. Each chapter is however finished off with a brief reminder of what the actual results were.
Military Modelling, Robin Buckland
It starts with consideration of what might have happened if Hitler had given more support to the German Kriegsmarine, and what they might have achieved if they had cut off the sea supply routes to the UK. Next comes Disaster at Dunkirk, and what if we had been unable to evacuate so many troops from Dunkirk and Germany had been able to invade the UK while it was at such a low ebb. For the third chapter, what if the Luftwaffe had won the Battle of Britain? This is followed by considering what if Zhukov's plan to invade Germany in May 1941 had beaten the German Operation Barbarossa to the punch. Chapter five turns to the war in North Africa and The Hinge, if things had gone differently at Alamein. Chapter six considers the war in the Caucasus but what if the Turkish army had joined in. Known Enemies and Forced Allies is the subject for chapter seven, looking particularly at the battles for both Sicily and Kursk. Chapter eight considers what difference it would have made if the Luftwaffe had defeated the Allied bombing offensive during 1944-5. Nine speculates on what might have resulted in Hitler's Bomb. If Gerrnan scientists had mastered the atomic bomb, he would most likely have deployed it against both London and Moscow.. Finally, what if Rommel had been up against Zhukov on the Eastern Front. None of these actually happened, but it does make for some interesting speculation by some knowledgeable historians in considering what might have happened.
If you have an interest in the Second World War than this book is a must. It has a number of scenarios where various battles and campaigns that germany did badly in, went well for them. For example, what if Hitler had been in the German navy in WW1? For WW2, he might have realised that the key to making Britain keep out of the war was to cripple the Royal Navy.
Amazon Reviewer
Or what if Hitler had made sure to keep all the German nuclear physicists that fled for Britain and the US? Might he have developed the atom bomb before he was defeated and used it on London and Moscow?
What makes the book effective is that each scenario is written as if it were a history book and that is what happened. It never uses the words 'what if' - it pretends that the scenario is what happened. Only at the end does it say what really happened and how.
A brilliant book in my opinion and a must-read for anyone with an interest in WW2
About Peter G Tsouras
Peter G. Tsouras is a respected military historian and a leading writer of alternative history in addition to other subjects ranging from Alexander the Great to World War II. His books include Disaster at D-Day, The Daily Telegraph Dictionary of Military Quotations and (as editor and contributing author), Rising Sun Victorious, Dixie Victorious and Cold War Hot.