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The Colonel and I: My Life with Gaddafi (Paperback)

Colour Books Military

By Daad Sharab
Imprint: Pen & Sword Military
Pages: 240
Illustrations: 32 colour illustrations
ISBN: 9781526794826
Published: 30th June 2025


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RRP £14.99

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As featured in The National. Read the article online, here.

As seen in the Daily Express. Read the article online, here


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The Colonel and I: My Life with Gaddafi is the inside story of the extraordinary world of Libya’s fallen dictator, Muammar Gaddafi.

For almost half his 42-year reign Daad Sharab was his trusted trouble shooter and confidante – the only outsider to be admitted to his inner circle. Down the years many have written about Gaddafi, but none has been so close.

Now, a decade after the violent death of ‘The Colonel’, she gives a unique insight into the character of a man of many contradictions: tyrant, hero, terrorist, freedom fighter, womaniser, father figure. Her account is packed with fascinating anecdotes and revelations which show Gaddafi in a surprising new light.

Daad witnessed the ruthlessness of a flawed leader who is blamed for ordering the Lockerbie bombing, and she became the go-between for the only man convicted of the atrocity. She does not seek to sugar-coat Gaddafi’s legacy, preferring readers to judge for themselves, but also observed a hidden, more humane side. The leader was a troubled father and compassionate statesman who kept sight of his humble Bedouin roots, and was capable of great acts of generosity.

The author also pulls no punches about how Western politicians, such as Tony Blair, George Bush and Hillary Clinton, shamelessly wooed his oil-rich regime.

Despite her warnings the dictator was ultimately consumed by megalomania and Daad was caught up in his dramatic fall. Falsely accused by Gaddafi’s notorious secret service of being both The Colonel’s mistress and a spy, her story ends in betrayal and imprisonment. Caught up in the Arab Spring uprising, she faced a fight for life as bombs rained down on Libya.

Article: Gadafi adviser insists Lockerbie bomber was innocent - Megrahi was 'framed'

Daily Record (Glasgow)

Gaddafi. His was a name that I only ever heard in politics and associated with fear. This book is a much needed read for a new perspective on this fallen dictator and his most loyal advisor.

NetGalley, Eli Sab

I would suggest this book to anyone interested in the “other side of the story” of not only Libya and the Arab states during the events of the 1980s through 2013 when the story concludes with a very interesting ending.

Lt. Col. Craig Roberts, USA, Ret

I grew up hearing about Gaddafi; he wasn’t a good guy. This book grabbed my attention because it was from a perspective of someone close to him. Someone who was around him quite a bit. A perspective that nobody else had and that intrigued me immensely. I was easily pulled into his world and found it fascinating how he ruled his people but lived humble.

NetGalley, Missy Price

I was not familiar with Daad Sharab name prior to spotting her memoir, The Colonel And I, for review on NetGalley. I chose to read this book both to find out more about Libya and Colonel Gaddafi himself, and to learn about Daad Sharab's mould-breaking career as a highly successful businesswoman in the Arab world. I was delighted to find that it delivers on all counts allowing readers an insiders' view into a super-rich way of life that often left almost me openmouthed at its decadence - and at Sharab's blithe acceptance of such luxury as 'normal'. Sharab comes across as a strong, dedicated woman whose ability to see and grasp opportunity set her in good stead to have a high-flying career and to succeed within it. She is such an interesting person to spend time with and I fully appreciated her perceptive anecdotes.

While the media fed Western audiences an oversimplified view of Libya and Gaddafi for years, Sharab's experiences go some way towards refuting that two-dimensional 'Gaddafi = bad' narrative. Sharab focuses on his work for women's rights within Libya. I didn't know that he championed education for girls and women, for example. She also, however, discusses his increasing meglomania, especially as his attempts to position Libya on a pan-African and global stage are thwarted. I wouldn't say that Gaddafi comes out of this book well, but Sharab's rounded portrait of the man as she saw him felt a lot more real than the impression of him I had previously held. The Colonel And I makes no pretences to excuse or justify the negative aspects of Gaddafi's reign, but it does make him human and demonstrates that, in lots of ways, he was remarkably similar to other leaders who villainised him.

NetGalley, Stephanie Jane

Daad Sharab is a remarkable woman with an extraordinary story to tell and I commend this book to the reader.

Martin Willoughby, The Wessex Branch of the Western Front Association

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

This was a wonderful book by what appears to be a very brave woman. Anyone who cares to stare down a person like Gaddafi deserves a lot of credit.

NetGalley, Mike Michelsen

Gadaffi a monster? No, he was just misunderstood

Daily Express 15/10/21

Very interesting read. Learned a lot. I didn’t know much about Gaddafi. So was good to learn more. . He was certainly an interesting character. The book was very well written.

NetGalley, Lisa Houston

Colonel Gaddafi, no one my age or older would not know this name and that he was the leader of Libya until he was deposed, many would have memories of the news stories we saw, the flamboyance, the drama and the fact that he was someone ‘a bit different’ in our worlds, and also often called an enabler of terror
Daad Sharab however knew him very well, a Jordanian who unusually for a woman was at the top of the Arab business world and was the foremost advisor to Gaddafi for 20 years, then to her shock imprisoned by him for 21 months until he was overthrown
This is a fascinating, really eye opening account of Gaddafi and Libya, how he worked, played and lived, I could have read another 240 page of her stories
I loved that she was honest, she didn’t portray him as an angel but nor as a devil and spent equal time on his good and not so good ways and ideals including all that happened re Lockerbie
It is a frank, no gains to herself memoir of a thrilling life most of us could not imagine and an unprecedented look at the engima that was/is Colonel Gadaffi

Book Mark, Amazon Reviewer

This book tells the true story of the extraordinary life of the Jordanian business woman Daad Sharab. A remarkable woman who with steely determination has worked alongside and crossed swords with some of the most powerful men in the Arab world. The Colonel and I reveals previously untold events involving Colonel Gadaffi of Libya and Daad Sharab in which the reader discovers how Sharab combines uncompromising ambition with compassion and loyalty towards her family and friends. It is a fascinating read.

Richard Waller

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Colonel Gaddafi, no one my age or older would not know this name and that he was the leader of Libya until he was deposed, many would have memories of the news stories we saw, the flamboyance, the drama and the fact that he was someone ‘a bit different’ in our worlds, and also often called an enabler of terror
Daad Sharab however knew him very well, a Jordanian who unusually for a woman was at the top of the Arab business world and was the foremost advisor to Gaddafi for 20 years, then to her shock imprisoned by him for 21 months until he was overthrown
This is a fascinating, really eye opening account of Gaddafi and Libya, how he worked, played and lived, I could have read another 240 page of her stories
I loved that she was honest, she didn’t portray him as an angel but nor as a devil and spent equal time on his good and not so good ways and ideals including all that happened re Lockerbie
It is a frank, no gains to herself memoir of a thrilling life most of us could not imagine and an unprecedented look at the engima that was/is Colonel Gadaffi

5 Stars

NetGalley, Mark Fearn

An interesting view of life of Col. Gaddafi and how the workings of a leader in Libya differs from the West.
I enjoyed this glimpse into another life, it provides a real eye opener and not everything you are told in the West is the full truth! There certainly seems to be two sides of Col. Gaddafi.
A good read and well worth your investment.

NetGalley, Kevin Stabler

As a young 30-something, much of the history covered in this book surrounding Libya happened before my time.

That being said, the biography is exceptionally well written, giving a highly detailed account of how a young Arab woman broke the mold and ended up a confidant to one of the worlds most feared leaders at the time.

Often branded as a dictator, womaniser and tyrant, Daad Sharab gives a behind the scenes look at how Libya struggled to find its place on the world stage under the leadership of Colonel Gaddafi.

It was a true eye-opener not only to how business dealings were undertaken several decades ago.

Having read the book, I don't pretend to be a backer of all things Gaddafi; however, it makes me question how the media and politicians in all countries often change their foreign policies and positions at the drop of a hat.

A well worthwhile read.

NetGalley, Jonathan Isaacs

Daad Sharab was never going to be a dutiful stay-at-home Arab wife. Encouraged to study by her father, the brilliant young Jordanian woman became a highly-educated businesswoman who decided to work for the intriguing Colonel Gaddafi in Libya. Her father advised her not to go but she was offered a prestigious position negotiating lucrative contracts for Gaddafi with high pay, and she liked the sound of the opportunity. Here, she tells her fascinating story, and she paints a very different picture of the Colonel, and describes some of the important figures she met.

Daad became a close personal adviser to Gaddafi, so she knew him very well, but allegations of an affair are completely untrue. She writes that, although eccentric, he was concerned about his country, and tried to do his best for ordinary Libyans. He also promoted women's rights and literacy, and Libya's healthcare system was excellent by the standards of other countries in the region. She thinks that he went 'off the rails' with his Pan-African and 'King of Kings' ambitions.

The rumours of his philandering with and even sexually assaulting the women of his famous 'Revolutionary Nuns' are untrue, she thinks. However, he did rely on a designing woman to procure young women for him, according to Sharab. She made friends with some of his guard, who were well-educated, and treated well.

Sharab met world leaders, including the first President Bush, Prime Minister Blair, and powerful people, such as Hilary Clinton. Although Gaddafi imprisoned her, she doesn't hold a grudge against him, and she provides an extremely interesting account of his relationship with these leaders, especially Blair, and his downfall. She also writes about her court battle with a powerful Saudi Prince, and how she endured great family tragedies, and the hardships of her career.

This book is somewhat harrowing at times, but well-worth reading to see a different view of the Gaddafi regime.

NetGalley, Lisa Sanderson

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

This was a five star read! Fascinating and recommend you read this one!

NetGalley, Michelle Coates

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

A fantastic story filled with intrigue and insider information. What a fascinating life the well-educated author led as Gaddafi’s close confidante and troubleshooter for over 20 years in Libya. She met so many influential people including world leaders. She had an uphill battle with others around Gaddafi being a woman and from Jordan.

NetGalley, Valerie Shampine

Very interesting book , learned a lots from reading it , find out more about that part of the world And the interesting story of Daad and how she made true with the success it’s encouraging all women 5 out 5 .

Sahar Elstohi

?nteresting book and story, I didn't have any background about gaddafi's personality and i was always curious to know what kind of dictator he used to be in someone's trust worthy like daad sharab

Fuad Bayrakdar

It’s one of the most amazing book that I ever read I recommend it it’s really a good story and shows how’s powerful this woman is very proud she’s from my country hats off all the respect

Mohammad Abuyosef

A very interesting book and it was great book to read about her life and how it all started. Recommend to read

Mohammed Neiroukh

It’s amazing book full of history and the story is very catchy. Full of facts and interesting events. Im in love with the book.

Reem Elms

Very well done with this book. I’ve been following a lot of Gaddafi’S life style books and theory. This is one of the best I’ve ever read. This should be published in every library available in the whole planet.


Feras Elmaarfi

I have just finished reading this inspiring true story ....
The book helped me understand that strong women don't play victims ,they stand up and they deal ..
Well written amazing
Highly recommended book
Enjoyed every part of it ...

Rola Sharab

It ‘s one of the book you plan to read in certain time but once you start you can not stop. Amazing true story, amazing leader and amazing women who stayed like a iron with him for many years, The World needs more Daad Sharabs for sure , congratulations. 10 out of 10
I highly recommend for everyone to read.

Yönel Altun

I enjoyed every page... I loved it.. Such a great book

Faten Ayesh

Great book. Highly recommend.
You must read this amazing book.

Ruba Ayesh

A master-class book written for a 21st-century audience.

Miranda Lake

In one word only, I can summarize The Colonel and I: My Life with Gaddafi by Daad Sharab as brilliant.

Konstantinos Delaportas

I don't think there's anyone who wouldn't benefit from reading this book. 5 stars

Valia Mar

The Middle East Iron Lady
So pleased the book is finally out,I have been waiting years for it
Worth reading and highly recommended

Nadia Elstohi

This book is an amazing piece and really shows different point of view, yet allowing the reader to really have their own opinion. Recommend 10/10

Fady Shams

Great book. Highly recommend.
You must read this amazing book.
Good luck.

Rasha Ayesh

Knowing all the ins and outs that happened from someone that legit was an insider at Gaddafi’s end and stating all the facts with no sugar coating or manipulation is something history needs and this book does exactly that! Reading the story of a fighter specially being a woman that made her way through life succeeding on the political side and never forgetting her role as a mother is such an inspiring and influential thing that shows society what women are capable off!
Trust me this is a must read!

Aya Jaradat

I quite enjoyed the writing style and the way the events are portrayed. A well written, unique perspective worth reading. Highly recommended.

Cecilia Elmadi

A very interesting story that motivates all women specially single women to keep working hard and succeed I really recommend this book for all people who want to feel inspired.

Amal Almadi

A well-documented and written piece of important history from a credible source. Certain that the author will continue sharing more stories of their own dynamic life experiences while also giving insights into a world that few are privy to experiencing. Stellar piece of work.

Ayman Elyasin

Great book and highly recommended! You hear the backstory of a great dictator and it puts rumours to rest.

Najd Qwaider

An honest & sincere account. Most intriguing & fascinating book that capturers the readers imagination & transports you to a different era altogether. A must read & educative account of world politics & its functioning. Accolades to Madam Daad for this extremely forthcoming compilation that requires Courage, Grit & Honesty !!!

Amitabh Khosla

An amazing and truly inspiring story which portrays a life of a single mother that did her best to be successful, her story proves that it is not impossible for women to thrive and have a career in a place that is highly dominated by men. Highly recommended.

Nura AT

You are my idol! Great book, I enjoyed reading it and I recommend everyone read it.

Raji Nwaser

About Daad Sharab

Daad Sharab is a successful businesswoman and single mother who specialises in mediating for Western companies in the Middle East. For more than 20 years she represented Libya in delicate political negotiations, such as the release of the Lockerbie bomber, and arranged multi-million dollar commercial deals on behalf of Colonel Gaddafi. Throughout her career she has fought to raise the glass ceiling for young Arab women. Born in Saudi Arabia to Jordanian parents, Daad now divides her time between Amman, in Jordan, and London.

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