Period Ship Modelmaking (ePub)
An Illustrated Masterclass

File Size: 99.2 MB (.epub)
ISBN: 9781473817180
Published: 18th October 2007
Check it out!
- Zen and The Art of Model Making - The Story of Philip Reed
This new shipmodeller's manual explains in graphic manner how to build a small 1/16th scale model of the American privateer schooner Prince de Neufchatel. She was one of a new class of large, fast and seaworthy schooners that first made their appearance during the war of 1812. She had a short but notoriously successful career that earned her a permanent place in her nation's history. World-renowned ship modeller Phil Reed describes in this new book how to build two versions of this ship: a waterline model and a full-hull display model. Building on the success of his first book, Modelling Sailing Men-of-War, which described the complex building process of the 74-gun ship, he has here taken a simpler vessel, to encourage the less experienced shipwright to embark upon a scratch-built hull. Taking this schooner as a prototype, the author passes on a wealth of experience which will enable modellers of all skill levels to confidently tackle every aspect of building any small fore-and-aft rigged vessel.
Throughout the book the text explains what to do, how to use various tools and it is illustrated by excellent quality detail photos that show all the parts during the construction process. At the end of the book there is also a gallery of some other models which add extra inspiration.
Military Model Scene, Robin Buckland
I have been a modeller for well over 50 years, and while I haven't built a model ship like this up to now, but a host of other things. I am a fan of the Richard Bolitho series of novels by Alexander Kent which tell some super stories of the period. Hence I have long been tempted to try my hand at a model such as this. For modellers of any subject though, there are some great tips and techniques in here, and I for one am always looking for new ideas and learning from other modelling genres. First class.
Read the full review here
A very interesting and instructive book for naval modelers in wood.
Jose Manuel Rico Cortes
Read the full Spanish review here
A great book to learn from and highly recommended.
The Nautical Magazine
About Philip Reed
Phil Reed is a professional model maker who has built models for clients in North America and Europe. His work also includes restoration projects for leading galleries and museums.
After studying Fine Art and Photography he found his true vocation in ship model building, eventually abandoning a teaching career to concentrate full time on his model work.
His latest work, Building a Miniature Navy Board Model, gives readers a step by step guide to creating these magnificent models.