Matthew Willis is a writer and historian of aviation history. His first work of non-fiction was published in 2007, the first full-length work on the Blackburn Skua World War Two dive-bomber/fighter. Since then, he has focussed on lesser-known areas of aviation history, particularly with regard to naval aviation, with titles on the Fairey Flycatcher, Blackburn Shark and Fairey Barracuda, and he wrote the first biography of the 1930s–40s test pilot Duncan Menzies. He focuses on original research and bringing out the voices of those who were there at the time. He is a frequent contributor to the historic aviation media, with many features published in journals such as Aeroplane, Flight Path, The Aviation Historian and Flypast, and currently writes the regular ‘Flight Line’ column on aviation history in Aeroplane. He has also contributed to heritage projects and has written for the Naval Records Society. He runs the website Naval Air History (