German Destroyers of World War II (ePub)

File Size: 54.1 MB (.epub)
Illustrations: 207 photos, 70 plans, diagrams & maps
ISBN: 9781473846708
Published: 22nd July 2014
The warships of the World War II era German Navy are among the most popular subject in naval history with an almost uncountable number of books devoted to them. However, for a concise but authoritative summary of the design history and careers of the major surface ships it is difficult to beat a series of six volumes written by Gerhard Koop and illustrated by Klaus-Peter Schmolke. Each contains an account of the development of a particular class, a detailed description of the ships, with full technical details, and an outline of their service, heavily illustrated with plans, battle maps and a substantial collection of photographs. These have been out of print for ten years or more and are now much sought after by enthusiasts and collectors, so this new modestly priced reprint of the series will be widely welcomed.
All the 40 or so German destroyers that saw service during the war are detailed in this book, including captures ships. Chapters range from their design and development, armament and machinery, to appearance differences, camouflage schemes and modifications. It also covers their careers and the many actions they fought, all illustrated with plans, technical drawings, maps, and a comprehensive gallery of photographs.
As featured in
STORIA Militare, June 2019
Reviewed alongside German Light Cruisers of World War II
These publications each contain a wealth of data and information.
This classic work which has been out of print for a decade, is widely regarded as the best concise history of the development, design details and careers of all the German destroyers of World War Two...An important source of information and is therefore well worth the money.
Maritime News
Gerhard Koop and Klaus-Peter Schmolke need to be commended for undertaking a project of this magnitude. Their efforts in researching the design, development and subsequent careers of the German destroyers of World War Two is a mammoth task. The result is an excellent, well designed and easy to read book with an abundance of detail, photographs, diagrams and information.
Warship World
Anyone interested in German naval activities in World War Two should invest in a copy of this excellent book.
[A]n unbiased technical and service history of these busy, if rather accident prone and unreliable, ships. The excellent text is supported by a very good selection of plans and an even better collection of photographs of the destroyers.
History of War
These superb books have been repackaged by Seaforth Publishing from the German language originals produced in the 1990s. Billed as concise, they offer an immensely interesting look at different types of vessels in Nazi service and cover the full aspect of these ships from drawing board to destiny. The individual ship histories are fascinating and there is a wealth of detail that should satisfy any bathtub admiral playing battleships with the soap and sponge.
War History Online
Seaforth naval books have always been a welcome sight on my doormat and these titles entirely live up to the standard aficionados will recognise. I cannot fault them.