Fighting the Invasion (ePub)
The German Army at D-Day

File Size: 20.2 MB (.epub)
Pages: 256
Illustrations: 16 pages of b/w plates
ISBN: 9781848324961
Published: 31st May 2016
In June 1944 Allied troops were massing along the shores of southern England in readiness for the invasion of Hitler's Fortress Europe. Facing them, from the Pas de Calais to Brittany, were German troops, dug in, waiting and preparing for the inevitable confrontation.
This compilation of in-depth accounts by German commanders presents D-Day, and the events leading up to it, from the point of view of the officers entrusted with preventing the Allied landings. rnrnThe accounts David Isby has selected, all written soon after the war's close for American military intelligence, cover preparations for the invasion and chart the development of German strategy as invasion looms. They then turn to the ordeal of D-Day itself including reactions to the first reports of troop landings and a blow-by-blow account of the fighting.
Fighting the Invasion paints a superb picture of D-Day from the German perspective, bringing home the entire experience from the initial waiting to the bitter fighting on the beaches and running battles in Norman villages.
This book is a collection of reports written by German generals after the war for the US Army. The authors of the reports were senior generals from army, corps, and divisional field commanders up to OKW staff officers who had a direct influence on operations in the West during the Allied Invasion on D-Day.
Great Models, Georges Lteif
Each general presents his thoughts on the preparations, deployments and activities on the first two days of the invasion undertaken by his subordinate units in the style of the movie Rashomon so that the same story is told again and again from all the different angles.
This approach is unique and highly insightful, in particular, it allows the reader to find out how the generals looked at each other, the different views on strategy and tactics of how best to defend the West, the departure from the old school axioms of the chain of command, strategic defense, and employment of mobile forces.
I found the reports of Blummentrit on the general situation before the invasion and Geyr von Schweppenberg’s report on the use of the Panzer divisions in the west particularly interesting. Another beautiful chapter was the one which reproduced the telephone log of an infantry division; it transports the reader through space and time to the actual moment when the invasion started and places him in the midst of the action.
I recommend this book to anyone with more than a casual interest in the Allied Invasion in the West, the German Army of WWII and military history in general.
About David C Isby
David Isby is a renowned military historian. He has edited Greenhill Books titles including Fighting the Invasion, Fighting the Breakout, Fighting in Normandy, Fighting the Bombers and The Luftwaffe Fighter Force.