Armies of the Hellenistic States 323 BC to AD 30 (Hardback)
History, Organization and Equipment
Imprint: Pen & Sword Military
Pages: 155
Illustrations: 88
ISBN: 9781526730299
Published: 17th July 2019
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This book provides a complete and detailed analysis of the organization and equipment employed by the armies of the Hellenistic States. After Alexander the Great’s death in 323 BC, his immense Macedonian empire was divided between his ambitious generals, who in turn formed their own monarchies across Eastern Europe, Asia and North Africa. This work will follow the development of the Hellenistic military forces from the army bequeathed by Alexander the Great to the complex military machines that succumbed one by one in the wars against the expanding Romans. As decades and centuries progressed, Hellenistic warfare became always more sophisticated: the 'diadochi' (Alexander’s successors) could field armies with thousands of men, chariots, elephants and siege machines; these came from all the territories of the former Macedonian Empire. The book will also show how Hellenistic forces were strongly influenced by Roman models during the last years of independence of their kingdoms. The states analysed are: Macedon, Seleucid Empire, Ptolemaic Egypt, Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, Armenia, Pergamon, Pontus, Cappadocia, Galatia, Bosporan Kingdom, Epirus, Sicily, Achaean League and Aetolian League.
Featured in
'HIMA' 11, 2022 - International Review of Ancient Military History
As with the other books in this series the text is supported by excellent photographs of modern re-enactors, which illustrate the many and varied troop types known to have existed in this period. The book is lavishy illustrated, with colour photos on almost every page, including some good maps.
History of War
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Featured in
Greece & Rome, Volume 86: Issue 2 - Journal of Classics Teaching
As featured by
Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy February/March 2020
I’ve enjoyed reading this particular book as I’ve toyed with the idea of gaming this period of history for some time. I even picked up some 1/72 ancient Greeks to start a small army but never got around to painting and fielding them in battle.
Irregular magazine, Spring 2020 - reviewed by Jason Hubbard
Reading this has tempted me yet again to build and paint an army, and maybe this time I’ll start and finish it.
Gabriele writes in a very easy to read style, which make this a joy to pick up and peruse. It lavishly illustrated throughout with photographs, diagrams and maps.
Musket, sword and paint
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The book's greatest asset is that is liberally filled with color photographs of all of the different troops that were used in the various armies. These are a treasure trove for miniature gamers. The different arms and armor of the period are reproduced as well. As a primer for the history of the times it is an excellent book. For the wargamer it serves as a valuable resource.
A Wargamers Needful Things
A great visual advance thanks to the contributions of associations interested in historical recreations.
Miniaturas JM
Read the full Spanish review here
As featured by
VaeVictis - n° 148 - NOVEMBRE/DÉCEMBRE 2019
The reformation of Alexander's forces after his death into strong, tightly disciplined fighting machines is covered to perfection in Gabriele's superb book. I often wonder where historians of ancient civilisation get their information from. This book reveals all.
Books Monthly
This is a beautifully illustrated book that follows the evolution of Hellenistic Armies through the final years of independence as they became increasingly influenced by Roman arms and tactics. This book provides rich illustration in the form of specially commissioned full colour drawings and photographs of re-enactors – Much Recommended.
Read the full review here
This book will be of interest to ancient wargamers and military modellers in particular, full as it is with uniform and weapon detail. It is a good primer on Hellenistic Warfare. It would also interest those undertaking more serious Ancient History studies, at least enabling them to more clearly see uniforms and equipment from the past.
Read the full review here
This book is worth the very reasonable price for the colour plates alone.
Balkan Wargamer
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From a military point of view, it was a fairly interesting mix. The book that is also useful to model makers and reenactors (the details of the various types of helmets are very interesting) is written with great care and attention to every aspect, both historical and military. It cannot be missing on the shelf of the enthusiast of this interesting historical period and of antiquity in general.
Old Barbed Wire Blog
Read the full Italian review here
Featured "On The Bookshelf" by Neil Smith for
Wargames Illustrated, June 2019
A book of great detail that outlines the various phases of the history of the Hellenistic States and couples it with very high quality colour plates showing the evolution of the personal protection used by the soldier. The evidence of weaponry and unit tactics is well worth the read.
Michael McCarthy
Michael McCarthy. Battlefield Guide
About Gabriele Esposito
Gabriele Esposito is an Italian researcher and a long-time student of military history, whose interests and expertise range widely over various periods. Most of his recent studies have been dedicated to the reconstruction of the organization, functioning and tactics of the armies across history; in each of his publications there is always some relevant space dedicated to the 'material culture'of the various armies taken into account and - more in particular - to the empirical science known as 'uniformology'. Gabriele is the author of numerous books on armies and uniforms and is a regular contributor to many specialized magazines in Italy, France, Netherlands and UK. His many previous works include Armies of Early Colonial North America 1607-1713; Armies of the Late Roman Empire 284-476; Armies of the Hellenistic States 323 BC to AD30; Armies of Celtic Europe 700 BC-AD 106; Armies of Ancient Greece, circa 500 BC to 338 BC; and The Macedonian Army of Philip II and Alexander the Great 359-323 BC, all published by Pen & Sword since 2018. He lives in southern Italy, near the ancient battlefield of Beneventum.