Andy Tallone began his passion for classic British motorcycles in 1971 as a sophomore in high school. When his friends all got Triumph 650s, Andy bought his first, a 1964 Triumph TR6, and his infatuation with British bikes just grew from there. During this time, he became an apprentice mechanic a Clawson's Motorcycle Shop in Hanford, which became a Triumph-BSA-Norton dealer just as the British motorcycle industry began to teeter. After high school, he entered the real estate profession in San Jose CA, and his growing career took a front seat to his motorcycle passions. It wasn't until Andy opened a classic car dealership in 1998 that he got back into motorcycles. In addition to classic cars, he bought and sold several classic Triumph, BSA and Norton motorcycles and began riding again. He built several classic British bikes, many from the ground-up, joined the BSA Owners Club of Northern California (there was no Triumph club in his area) and took up the hobby in earnest, going on many rides with the club, and ultimately becoming an officer. In 2010, Andy took his passion online and created the website ''. Over the next 10 years, the site grew to over 500 pages of rich content with literally thousands of photos which he took at club events, bike shows, auctions, museums and other events. The site became one of the foremost sites on the subject of classic British motorcycles. During this time, Andy was asked by Thunder Roads Motorcycle Magazine to write a monthly column entitled ‘From Across the Pond’. He sold the website in 2020. Now retired, Andy still loves is British bikes, and has been enjoying his other great passion, classic American muscle cars.